About Us


Dog Days Dubuque opened its doors in December of 2019 as a dog daycare and training center.

It went from just a handful of dogs to 20-25 dogs attending each day in just a few short months, all amidst the COVID-19 pandemic!

The goal of Dog Days Dubuque is to provide a safe and fun environment for dogs in the Dubuque area to go while their owners are at work. Dogs attend daycare to exercise, socialize, and learn. And the best part is, they are ready for cuddles on the couch at the end of a long day.

Meet Our Staff


Victoria Vail

Victoria is the owner of Dog Days Dubuque. She grew up in Dubuque and attended Dubuque Senior High School. She then pursued an Animal Science degree with a focus on companion animals at Iowa State University. After her graduation from Iowa State in 2018, Victoria worked at a vet clinic where she gained valuable animal handling experience and insight on veterinary medicine. Victoria’s animal care experience includes dogs and cats, a variety of farm animals, and exotic animals. Victoria is excited to combine her passion for dogs with her education and experience to enhance the lives of dogs and their owners in the Dubuque community through Dog Days Dubuque.

Victoria enjoys connecting with and caring for each dog that attends daycare. Each dog truly becomes one of her own the first day they join daycare. Watching them learn and grow and being able to provide this kind of service for the dogs and clients is the greatest reward. Victoria also leads Basic Obedience and Puppy Classes in the evenings and loves being able to help owners build confidence and strengthen their relationships with their dogs.

Pictured is her rescue pup Elroy, who she adopted in December of 2021 from the Dubuque Regional Humane Society. Together her and Elroy enjoy hiking, traveling, paddle boarding, FIT Dog training, and cuddling on the couch after a long day!



Alisha is a Lead Dog Handler & Bather and has been working at Dog Days since October of 2021! She enjoys getting to know all of the dogs and their personalities. Alisha’s favorite part of the day is doing Food Enrichment with the dogs.

Outside of working with us, Alisha assists with boarding at Adam’s Pet Hospital. In her free time, she enjoys reading, baking treats for her coworkers :), and going on walks with her dog Nova.

Pictured with Alisha is her Husky Nova who joins her at daycare on Wednesdays & Fridays!



Luna is our Daycare Operations Manager, as well as a Dog Handler & Groomer. She has been with us since September of 2022. Luna LOVES her doodles and enjoys learning about different dog behaviors and why they do what they do. She also prides herself in all things baths & nails!

Outside of working with us, Luna works at Adam’s Pet Hospital on the weekends and holidays helping out with boarding. In her free time, Luna enjoys reading, fashion, and spending time in nature.

Luna doesn’t own a dog, but resides with her Maine Coon named Garcon & a Crested Gecko named Alice.


Victoria R.

Victoria, also know as V has been working with us since August of 2023. She is a Lead Dog Handler and handles morning drop offs. She also leads all Dog Walks and Field Trips with our daycare dogs. V enjoys helping with monthly crafts, working on 1 on 1 Training Goals, and conducting Group Activities.

Outside of work, V is pursuing a Veterinary Technician Degree from Ashworth College. When not at work or studying, she enjoys watching Netflix, reading, and spending time with her boyfriend, family, and friends.

V doesn’t have a dog of her own yet, but she helps babysit plenty of her family and friend’s dogs, including her family’s dog Rizzo (pictured) who gets to come to work with her on Mondays and Wednesdays!



Picture & bio coming soon!



Picture & bio coming soon!