Daycare Polices and Application

Dog Days Dubuque Policies & Procedures.

Health & Safety – To ensure the health, safety, and comfort of dogs.

Dogs that have or have been exposed to contagious diseases or parasites are not allowed at Dog Days Dubuque. Examples of these diseases or parasites but not limited to are rabies, distemper, bordetella (kennel cough), conjunctivitis, and intestinal parasites. Possible symptoms of these would be coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme lethargy, discharge from eyes, nose or mouth and visible parasites in the stool. 

If dog shows symptoms of disease or parasite while in the care of Dog Days the dog will be separated from the other dogs. The owner will be asked to pick the dog up and take the dog to a vet for a checkup. The dog will be welcomed back when cleared by the vet to do so.

Dog owner agrees to inform Dog Days of any exposure to contagious diseases and parasites. If a dog shows up while being treated for a contagious disease or parasite the dog will not be allowed to stay at Dog Days. Dog must be symptom free for a reasonable period which would be determined by the owner’s vet. 

If a dog is injured or appears to need medical attention, while in the care of Dog Days, the owner will be contacted. If the owner is unreachable Dog Days will seek medical attention for the owner’s dog and has permission to do so by the owner. The owner is responsible and will pay for any medical treatment through procedures or medication and does not hold Dog Days or its employees responsible.

All dogs must have current shots and supply dog days with an updated shot record. IT is strongly recommended that your dog receives a monthly flea and tick treatment.

Any special services requested by the dog owner, while dog is under the supervision of Dog Days, will be paid by the dog owner.


Dogs that attend Dog Days are made up of a variety of sizes, breeds, and energy levels. Employees will do their best to place dogs into a group that best suits their needs. At times employees may need to move a dog into a different group to ensure a good balance of behavior. The owner recognizes potential risks involved with group play due to the unpredictability of dogs.

Owners expressly agrees that Dog Days liability shall in no event exceed the current chattel value of a pet of the same species as the pet delivered by the owner to Dog Dogs.

Dog may be dismissed from daycare at any point in time if Dog Days sees changes in behavior that put said dog and other dogs in the pack at risk, or if said dog seems to no longer enjoy the company of other dogs or their time at Dog Days for daycare.


Client Drop Off: Dogs are to be dropped off at the side gate one client at a time. Please be patient during drop off as daycare dogs need to be corralled as we prepare for your dog to enter the pack.

Client Pick Up: Dogs are picked up at the side gate. Dog Days closes at 5:30 p.m. Clients that do not pick their dogs up by 5:30 p.m. will be charged a $10 convenience fee.

For the safety of your dog, we request that dogs are leashed during drop off and pick up times.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Please do not knock on the gate, look over the fence, or call from the driveway for daycare assistance. Do not open the gate or enter the daycare area without a staff member. The safety of the pack depends on a consistent routine and pack leaders, and sudden noises or the appearance of strangers can disrupt the pack. For the safety and comfort of your dog and the other dogs in the pack, please wait in the driveway or go to the office for immediate assistance. If you would like a tour of our facility, please make an appointment with the staff.

Authorized Persons for Pick-Up: If someone other than the dog’s owner(s) is picking up from daycare, the dog owner must verbally or in writing convey this to a Dog Days employee. Dog Days may ask to see identification upon pick up.

Say Cheese

Frequently Dog Days employees will take pictures or videos of dogs playing at Dog Days. Dogs’ names may be used in the pictures and videos. These pictures and videos will be used to promote Dog Days in a variety of social media such as but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Dog Days website, and any type of promotional materials. 

Acknowledgement & Assumes Risks

Dog Days is a cage free environment, except for afternoon down time from 12-2. Dogs will physically interact with other dogs.

Occasionally dogs may suffer from muscle fatigue or sore pads from excessive play.

Due to the unpredictable nature of dogs, there is a risk with a cage free environment of dogs getting injured. As the owner, you fully accept and assume all risks of injury and illness, and accept and assume responsibility for all risks including, but not limited to all costs, damages, or losses.

Daycare Application

To begin the process, please fill out the form below. Although the form may seem lengthy, it gives us beneficial information to ensure that all dogs are comfortable while they attend daycare and are a good fit for our pack. If you have multiple dogs, please fill out one form per dog. Please be as honest and descriptive as you can! Once your completed application form is submitted, a Dog Days Team Member will be in touch with you to schedule a Meet & Greet at our facility.

During your scheduled Meet & Greet, our experienced staff will start by asking you important details about you and your dog in order to understand if our services will fit your family’s needs. Our Meet & Greet is a great time to ask us personal and professional questions to get to know us, as we enjoy getting to know each and every one of you as well. Your dog will get to meet another friendly dog in our pack, and if all goes well, hopefully have a little play time!

**Meet and Greet’s cost $50 per dog which includes your dog’s Evaluation Day (first day of daycare) at Dog Days DBQ. If we decide your dog is unfit for our pack, $50 fee is refundable.**

Dog Days Dubuque is at MAXIMUM CAPACITY for daycare. If you wish to be added to our waitlist, please fill out the application below and we will contact you when we have an opening.

Thank you for your interest and patience and we hope to meet you and your dog soon!